Kate Hudson has decided to give up smoking. The star has declared that she hates, when its hair, the clothes and the car smell as a tobacco smoke.
«It simply dements me!» - the actress has complained.
«Smoking postpones you from a family. You at all do not realise it. When you give up smoking – you start to eat more».
After Kate has thrown this bad habit, it began to type weight. The meal became a smoking substitute. As soon as she has recovered, in mass-media there were hearings about its pregnancy.
«Then in newspapers there are hearings where it is said that I am pregnant. Then someone will ask me:« When you have given up smoking? », and I answer:« Just when all have started to think that I am pregnant ».
The actress has told that struggles with excess weight with the help сальсы. «Though it and is heavy. You dance some hours, instead of grow thin on inch. You are simply filled in then. Сальса it is really cheerful».
Virginia Slims Cigarettes
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
Smoking erases memory
Smoking harms to memory — both long-term, and short-term. To such conclusion researchers from five British universities have come. Scientists have interrogated more than 700 persons with the request to estimate the memory. Interrogation was spent among chain smokers — more than 15 cigarettes in a week, smoking — to 4 cigarettes in a week and non-smoking.
To participants of research asked questions on how often they forget where have put any things, whether recollect in time to send to friends and relatives of a card etc.
As a result it was found out that at the typical chain smoker of the problems connected with memory on 22 % more than at the non-smoking. An indicator smoking — 12 %. Scientists say that smoking worsens memory, however cannot explain yet, why.
To participants of research asked questions on how often they forget where have put any things, whether recollect in time to send to friends and relatives of a card etc.
As a result it was found out that at the typical chain smoker of the problems connected with memory on 22 % more than at the non-smoking. An indicator smoking — 12 %. Scientists say that smoking worsens memory, however cannot explain yet, why.
Imposed by the president of the veto has revolted fighters with smoking
The president of Ukraine ветировал the law on increase of rates of the duty on tobacco products.
The Press conference spent in Kiev, has shown: active opponents of smoking are very dissatisfied with that Victor Yushchenko has put a veto for the law on increase of excises on tobacco and tobacco products.
The chairman of National board concerning public health services at the President of Ukraine of Nikolay POLISCHUK is very surprised by the decision of the President. After all in 2007 the Vseukrainsky forum «nation Health» Yushchenko has announced «Seven initiatives of improvement of the nation», first of which and is, actually, antitobacco: in it influence of tobacco on health of citizens is told about reduction.
According to N.Polishchuka, the high price of cigarettes has rather considerable influence on decrease in quantity of smokers. For the past 4 years in the country have considerably decreased quantity of smokers, about one million person have said goodbye to a bad habit. Excise increase on tobacco directly influences on reduction of number of smokers, so and reduction of disease which connect with tobacco. Besides imposing of the veto on the law opposes Ukraine and Europe where there is a steady struggle for decrease in quantity of smokers.
The co-ordinator of projects «Molod_zhna варта» (this organisation is created for the analysis of performance of pre-election pledges of the President of Ukraine) Evgenie Malih has informed that in 2007 Victor Yushchenko in pre-election campaign for WELL-NANOSECOND informed that its party will actively struggle for a healthy way of life for citizens of Ukraine. Thus, the President has actually broken all promises which were given concerning struggle against children's and adult smoking.
The vice-president of Committee of the Supreme Rada concerning the budget Oleg Ljashko has commented on 4 basic of point which the President has stated in offers apropos ветирования the law. According to O.Ljashko, the increase in contraband of cigarettes, reduction of volumes of the Ukrainian tobacco manufactures, reduction of receipts in the budget from tobacco branch and reduction of workplaces are absolutely groundless. The vice-president of Committee VR has informed that under its information ветирование the given law has brought to the President about 5 million dollars which are listed in the companies involved in carrying out of election campaign for Victor Yushchenko.
Official data from the State customs service and СБУ denies presence of the facts of import to Ukraine illicit tobacco products. Thus the customs says that in 2009 1700 attempts of illegal export of cigarettes from Ukraine have been prevented. The given facts it is transparent show: the prices for tobacco products in Ukraine one of the lowest.
Oleg Ljashko has informed that the Ukrainian manufacture of cigarettes this year in comparison with last year was reduced only to 11 % whereas the general indicators on the industry reach recession in 30 %. Manufacture falling accurately shows: people began to smoke less.
From outside O.Ljashko has undergone to the special criticism motivation about reduction of receipts in the budget after introduction of new high excise rates. From the point of view of deputy ВР, it is possible to consider this argument of the President especially cynical.
So for the first 10 months 2008 the state budget has replenished with "tobacco" money for 2 billion 732 million grivnas. And for the first 10 months of this year "the tobacco" profit of the budget makes 7 billion 8 million grivnas. If to consider that new excises on tobacco were included into validity only since May, the difference especially impresses. Money for excise increase, according to the member of parliament, will be directed on liquidation of consequences of flooding in the Western Ukraine, on the maintenance of embassies of Ukraine in other countries, on financing of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine.
Has expressed the opinion and the former deputy minister of economy Vladimir РЯБОШЛЫК which represents itself as now the economic expert. Most likely, services which analyzed a situation and prepared the decision on veto imposing for Victor Yushchenko, have misled the President. After all ветирование the law categorically it is not compatible to a position of the head of the state in questions of the European integration.
Most likely, the President as a result will sign the law as the abundance of public negative reactions on ветирование should draw its attention. Most likely, Victor Yushchenko will understand a situation, and the law will come into force.
The Press conference spent in Kiev, has shown: active opponents of smoking are very dissatisfied with that Victor Yushchenko has put a veto for the law on increase of excises on tobacco and tobacco products.
The chairman of National board concerning public health services at the President of Ukraine of Nikolay POLISCHUK is very surprised by the decision of the President. After all in 2007 the Vseukrainsky forum «nation Health» Yushchenko has announced «Seven initiatives of improvement of the nation», first of which and is, actually, antitobacco: in it influence of tobacco on health of citizens is told about reduction.
According to N.Polishchuka, the high price of cigarettes has rather considerable influence on decrease in quantity of smokers. For the past 4 years in the country have considerably decreased quantity of smokers, about one million person have said goodbye to a bad habit. Excise increase on tobacco directly influences on reduction of number of smokers, so and reduction of disease which connect with tobacco. Besides imposing of the veto on the law opposes Ukraine and Europe where there is a steady struggle for decrease in quantity of smokers.
The co-ordinator of projects «Molod_zhna варта» (this organisation is created for the analysis of performance of pre-election pledges of the President of Ukraine) Evgenie Malih has informed that in 2007 Victor Yushchenko in pre-election campaign for WELL-NANOSECOND informed that its party will actively struggle for a healthy way of life for citizens of Ukraine. Thus, the President has actually broken all promises which were given concerning struggle against children's and adult smoking.
The vice-president of Committee of the Supreme Rada concerning the budget Oleg Ljashko has commented on 4 basic of point which the President has stated in offers apropos ветирования the law. According to O.Ljashko, the increase in contraband of cigarettes, reduction of volumes of the Ukrainian tobacco manufactures, reduction of receipts in the budget from tobacco branch and reduction of workplaces are absolutely groundless. The vice-president of Committee VR has informed that under its information ветирование the given law has brought to the President about 5 million dollars which are listed in the companies involved in carrying out of election campaign for Victor Yushchenko.
Official data from the State customs service and СБУ denies presence of the facts of import to Ukraine illicit tobacco products. Thus the customs says that in 2009 1700 attempts of illegal export of cigarettes from Ukraine have been prevented. The given facts it is transparent show: the prices for tobacco products in Ukraine one of the lowest.
Oleg Ljashko has informed that the Ukrainian manufacture of cigarettes this year in comparison with last year was reduced only to 11 % whereas the general indicators on the industry reach recession in 30 %. Manufacture falling accurately shows: people began to smoke less.
From outside O.Ljashko has undergone to the special criticism motivation about reduction of receipts in the budget after introduction of new high excise rates. From the point of view of deputy ВР, it is possible to consider this argument of the President especially cynical.
So for the first 10 months 2008 the state budget has replenished with "tobacco" money for 2 billion 732 million grivnas. And for the first 10 months of this year "the tobacco" profit of the budget makes 7 billion 8 million grivnas. If to consider that new excises on tobacco were included into validity only since May, the difference especially impresses. Money for excise increase, according to the member of parliament, will be directed on liquidation of consequences of flooding in the Western Ukraine, on the maintenance of embassies of Ukraine in other countries, on financing of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine.
Has expressed the opinion and the former deputy minister of economy Vladimir РЯБОШЛЫК which represents itself as now the economic expert. Most likely, services which analyzed a situation and prepared the decision on veto imposing for Victor Yushchenko, have misled the President. After all ветирование the law categorically it is not compatible to a position of the head of the state in questions of the European integration.
Most likely, the President as a result will sign the law as the abundance of public negative reactions on ветирование should draw its attention. Most likely, Victor Yushchenko will understand a situation, and the law will come into force.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Turkey, the country of cigarettes, tubes and hookahs, enters an interdiction for smoking
Anti tobacco the law will be entered in the country where tobacco, cigarettes, tubes and hookahs are one of attributes of a style of life. According to the law confirmed by the Commission on legal procedures of parliament of Turkey, an interdiction for smoking in public places on all country it will be entered.
Clamped between ancient habits and huge desire to correspond to the European standards, Turkish to pass of citizens the new law, as revolutions. The Turkish people always smoked much. People in Turkey smoke everywhere, at offices and hospitals, schools and a taxi, in bars and cinemas. Even near to mosques perceive a smell of cigarettes. Many moustached men with a cigarette can be everywhere met in the country.
Nevertheless, the population most part has declared that they are ready to give before ritual, under the European laws to enter the European Union.
Clamped between ancient habits and huge desire to correspond to the European standards, Turkish to pass of citizens the new law, as revolutions. The Turkish people always smoked much. People in Turkey smoke everywhere, at offices and hospitals, schools and a taxi, in bars and cinemas. Even near to mosques perceive a smell of cigarettes. Many moustached men with a cigarette can be everywhere met in the country.
Nevertheless, the population most part has declared that they are ready to give before ritual, under the European laws to enter the European Union.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Attorney General announces victory in Tobacco Suit
Topeka, Kansas - Attorney General Steve Six announced Wednesday that the 10 th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a state law requiring tobacco companies to pay money into a blocked account.
Kansas first adopted its charter tobacco Mediation in 1999 to implement the Master Settlement Agreement with certain tobacco companies. Forty-six other states, as well as six other territories have similar laws.
Statute requires every cigarette manufacturer whose products are sold in the State of certain amounts of money for the sale of cigarettes to a blocked account. If not used for legal claims, the money is returned to the company 25 years after making his pledge.
Xcaliber challenged certain sections of the escrow statute alleging that they violated federal antitrust laws and are unconstitutional. Court of Appeal dismissed the suit and joined the Attorney General.
"We are pleased with the point of view today." Six said. "Decisions like to stress the importance - and legitimacy - the unity of the state and cooperation."
Six made tobacco compliance with the priorities of his administration. Just Tuesday, he announced the creation of a new Tobacco Enforcement. The new unit will work to prevent tobacco sales to minors, ensuring compliance with the tobacco master settlement agreement (MSA), as well as to investigate the illegal violations related tobacco laws.
Kansas first adopted its charter tobacco Mediation in 1999 to implement the Master Settlement Agreement with certain tobacco companies. Forty-six other states, as well as six other territories have similar laws.
Statute requires every cigarette manufacturer whose products are sold in the State of certain amounts of money for the sale of cigarettes to a blocked account. If not used for legal claims, the money is returned to the company 25 years after making his pledge.
Xcaliber challenged certain sections of the escrow statute alleging that they violated federal antitrust laws and are unconstitutional. Court of Appeal dismissed the suit and joined the Attorney General.
"We are pleased with the point of view today." Six said. "Decisions like to stress the importance - and legitimacy - the unity of the state and cooperation."
Six made tobacco compliance with the priorities of his administration. Just Tuesday, he announced the creation of a new Tobacco Enforcement. The new unit will work to prevent tobacco sales to minors, ensuring compliance with the tobacco master settlement agreement (MSA), as well as to investigate the illegal violations related tobacco laws.
How Philip Morris is changing its advertising concept.
American tobacco company Philip Morris is changing its marketing concept. Cigarette manufacturers scales down its share of adventurers team, they are winding abandon Formula 1 Racing authors. It seems that a couple of years spectators sport race will forget the Philip Morris brand advertising completely.
Philip Morris controls about 16 percent of the tobacco market word. Her best-selling Marlboro brand that is 8,4 per cent of world cigarette sales. The company has achieved this success through image Cowboy Marlboro and she supported him in the past 50 years.
Mr. Cowboy, you're a woman?
Until mid-1950's, Marlboro cigarettes sold in the soft white box and were positioned as cigarettes for self-respected women. According to some reports, this brand has control only 0.1 percent of the tobacco market in this period. In 1954, the company's management made a number of market research and decided to change the Marlboro image. The new target audience should be self-confident man. First Marlboro Man appeared on the advertising panel, it was invented buy a Chicago advertising agency Leo Burnett. After Cowboy "Philip Morris tried real pilots, fishermen and businessmen.
In 1962 the company returned to the cowboy image. In 2 years this image has changed considerably whole country appeared Cowboy Marlboro country.
The Soviet people met at the taste of Marlboro in 1977, when Philip Morris began to create a license to manufacture cigarettes in the USSR. In 1992, Philip Morris has opened its representative office in Russia, then a regular supply of cigarettes had begun.
In February 2000, Philip Morris started to produce Marlboro cigarettes in their factory Philip Morris Izhora in St. Petersburg, Russia. Until that date, from 1977 to 1986, cigarettes were manufacturing under license in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Baku, Sukhumi, Kishinev.
Adventures on their own harm
Philip Morris started 3 Marlboro advertising campaigns. In 1997-1999 Adventurers held a special team. It was created by a German company Adventure Tour in 1984. Russia was the last country where 20 Philip Morris decided to include in this campaign. Any adult with a driver's license and passport can send sponsors Participation in this promotion. The winners were sent to the United States, where they visited Utah and Colorado State.
In early 2001, Philip Morris announced that the project is completed. They have not told the reasons, but most likely that this campaign has been successful. According to some reports, most of the special sports more than Philip Morris, like they do not smoke.
In the spring of 200 Philip Morris' new idea of an adventurer, but only as a slogan. Spring in 22 cities of Russian Marlboro Billboard appeared. More than 830 people have been working on this campaign, which provided people with special prizes in bars, restaurants and other places. They told people about the rules of the new special Marlboro. One campaign is being conducted in various media sources.
Company does not open the amount of advertising budget. We only know that the publication of the print media to advertise Marlboro is about 5 million copies. Outdoor ads were placed on more than 2 000 billboards 6 to 3 meters in size meter.
Finally, in 2000, Philip Morris came to art, especially in movies. The campaign in Moscow and was named Marlboro Cinema Time. Cigarettes consumers were asked to fill out the coupon and attach a 20 color ribbons from Marlboro pack and send them all to the sponsors. Coupons participate in the prize draw.
The old formula.
Since 1974, Philip Morris have been advertising in Formula-1 Racing. Marlboro Man rides on cars Ferrari team, Michael Schumacher, which sticks out for.
After Floori Gans, president of Philip Morris Europe, the company is pleased to work together. And despite the hundreds of millions of dollars, which holds the team Ferrari on the race. However, the European Parliament and other countries to exert every effort to send the cigarette manufacturers to participate in the races. In February, management of tobacco companies said that most likely they will enter Formula 1 in 2006.
Thus, another man Marlboro project will be completed.
Which marketing campaign will launch in the future, Philip Morris, has not been announced.
It is doubtful whether Philip Morris will retire Cowboy Marlboro who gave the brand popularity. However, there are some backgrounds to change the Marlboro image. We can only guess what will be the decision of Philip Morris marketing specialists. Maybe they're a little puzzled.
Philip Morris controls about 16 percent of the tobacco market word. Her best-selling Marlboro brand that is 8,4 per cent of world cigarette sales. The company has achieved this success through image Cowboy Marlboro and she supported him in the past 50 years.
Mr. Cowboy, you're a woman?
Until mid-1950's, Marlboro cigarettes sold in the soft white box and were positioned as cigarettes for self-respected women. According to some reports, this brand has control only 0.1 percent of the tobacco market in this period. In 1954, the company's management made a number of market research and decided to change the Marlboro image. The new target audience should be self-confident man. First Marlboro Man appeared on the advertising panel, it was invented buy a Chicago advertising agency Leo Burnett. After Cowboy "Philip Morris tried real pilots, fishermen and businessmen.
In 1962 the company returned to the cowboy image. In 2 years this image has changed considerably whole country appeared Cowboy Marlboro country.
The Soviet people met at the taste of Marlboro in 1977, when Philip Morris began to create a license to manufacture cigarettes in the USSR. In 1992, Philip Morris has opened its representative office in Russia, then a regular supply of cigarettes had begun.
In February 2000, Philip Morris started to produce Marlboro cigarettes in their factory Philip Morris Izhora in St. Petersburg, Russia. Until that date, from 1977 to 1986, cigarettes were manufacturing under license in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Baku, Sukhumi, Kishinev.
Adventures on their own harm
Philip Morris started 3 Marlboro advertising campaigns. In 1997-1999 Adventurers held a special team. It was created by a German company Adventure Tour in 1984. Russia was the last country where 20 Philip Morris decided to include in this campaign. Any adult with a driver's license and passport can send sponsors Participation in this promotion. The winners were sent to the United States, where they visited Utah and Colorado State.
In early 2001, Philip Morris announced that the project is completed. They have not told the reasons, but most likely that this campaign has been successful. According to some reports, most of the special sports more than Philip Morris, like they do not smoke.
In the spring of 200 Philip Morris' new idea of an adventurer, but only as a slogan. Spring in 22 cities of Russian Marlboro Billboard appeared. More than 830 people have been working on this campaign, which provided people with special prizes in bars, restaurants and other places. They told people about the rules of the new special Marlboro. One campaign is being conducted in various media sources.
Company does not open the amount of advertising budget. We only know that the publication of the print media to advertise Marlboro is about 5 million copies. Outdoor ads were placed on more than 2 000 billboards 6 to 3 meters in size meter.
Finally, in 2000, Philip Morris came to art, especially in movies. The campaign in Moscow and was named Marlboro Cinema Time. Cigarettes consumers were asked to fill out the coupon and attach a 20 color ribbons from Marlboro pack and send them all to the sponsors. Coupons participate in the prize draw.
The old formula.
Since 1974, Philip Morris have been advertising in Formula-1 Racing. Marlboro Man rides on cars Ferrari team, Michael Schumacher, which sticks out for.
After Floori Gans, president of Philip Morris Europe, the company is pleased to work together. And despite the hundreds of millions of dollars, which holds the team Ferrari on the race. However, the European Parliament and other countries to exert every effort to send the cigarette manufacturers to participate in the races. In February, management of tobacco companies said that most likely they will enter Formula 1 in 2006.
Thus, another man Marlboro project will be completed.
Which marketing campaign will launch in the future, Philip Morris, has not been announced.
It is doubtful whether Philip Morris will retire Cowboy Marlboro who gave the brand popularity. However, there are some backgrounds to change the Marlboro image. We can only guess what will be the decision of Philip Morris marketing specialists. Maybe they're a little puzzled.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Cigarette Advertisements and Women
Since World War II (1939-45), the cigarette companies have been trying to get women to smoke. Through ads, smoking has been pictured as g
oing along with independence, careers, sexual freedom, as well as beauty. Since the 1970's, Virginia Slims ads have said, "You've come a long way, baby." Ultra Slims, the long thin cigarettes, were made for women. In ads of these types of cigarettes, the women look very thin to give the idea that smoking will not make a person fat. Cigarette ads appear in most women's magazines, such as Glamour, Redbook, Working Women, Cosmopolitan, People, and Vogue.
Cigarettes are heavily advertised in African-American magazines too. Ebony, Jet, and Essence magazines have ads showing beautiful and handsome Black men and women smoking. Outdoor billboards have been another way for tobacco companies to reach African-Americans. The number of outdoor billboards advertising cigarettes is four times higher in Black communities than in White communities. Cigarette companies target mentholated cigarettes to Blacks. Newports, Kools, and Salems are very popular brands among
African-Americans. Because mentholated cigarettes can be inhaled deeper into the lungs, they are more dangerous than non-mentholated ones.
Whether they were made for teens, women, or African-Americans, all cigarette ads have the same message: smoking is fun, healthy, and attractive. Ads show men who look masculine or manly, hip, cool, adventurous, mature, and strong. Women look sexy, stylish, beautiful, glamorous, relaxed, secure, and independent. Many ads show athletic people who are wind surfers, aerobic dancers, motor cycle racers, horseback riders, roller bladers, and basketball players.
Cigarette ads give the impression that smokers are "Alive with pleasure" and that smoking is good for you. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. The U.S. government has labelled cigarettes as a dangerous drug that causes lung cancer, heart disease, and many other serious illnesses and conditions. Many people all over the country are talking about whether tobacco companies should be allowed to advertise cigarettes or even to make cigarettes.

Cigarettes are heavily advertised in African-American magazines too. Ebony, Jet, and Essence magazines have ads showing beautiful and handsome Black men and women smoking. Outdoor billboards have been another way for tobacco companies to reach African-Americans. The number of outdoor billboards advertising cigarettes is four times higher in Black communities than in White communities. Cigarette companies target mentholated cigarettes to Blacks. Newports, Kools, and Salems are very popular brands among
Whether they were made for teens, women, or African-Americans, all cigarette ads have the same message: smoking is fun, healthy, and attractive. Ads show men who look masculine or manly, hip, cool, adventurous, mature, and strong. Women look sexy, stylish, beautiful, glamorous, relaxed, secure, and independent. Many ads show athletic people who are wind surfers, aerobic dancers, motor cycle racers, horseback riders, roller bladers, and basketball players.
Cigarette ads give the impression that smokers are "Alive with pleasure" and that smoking is good for you. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. The U.S. government has labelled cigarettes as a dangerous drug that causes lung cancer, heart disease, and many other serious illnesses and conditions. Many people all over the country are talking about whether tobacco companies should be allowed to advertise cigarettes or even to make cigarettes.
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